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JK works as a cross-disciplinary artist on the intersection of Performing Arts, Digital Media, Game Design  and Critical Theory. Since 2018 they teach and research at the Masters program Spiel&&Objekt at HfS Ernst Busch and work as an associated researcher at the Wearable Computing Department of Berlin Open Lab. Their work examines the effects of Digitalisation on the assessment and perception of Bodies, referencing the thematic fields of Techno/Cyberfeminism, New Materialism and Other-than-Human-Agency. In their artistic practice, they currently develop interactive installations, that serve as interfaces between analogue and digital spaces. They use their work as a tool to expose existing power structures and develop alternative queer-feminist future vision.







Non-linear Narrations - Storytelling for the post-digital Age
Cyber/Techno/Datafeminism - from early 90s until now
New Collaborations - Approaches to New Materialism and Post-humanism
Never Home Alone - praxis based Intra-action with other-than-human Agents


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